unwriterly week (so let's party)

Music: Stephen Duffy & the Lilac Time: Keep Moving (2003)

I am having one of those dreadful working weeks: I have a list of six things that need to be written, but somehow I have managed to twitter to hump day with nary a sentence. Part of the inability to write has to do with winding-down: after all that traveling, it's just hard to sit still and focus. I garden. I work out (hello again, free weights; hello again, murmuring soreness). I run errands. I create new recipes with the slow cooker. But writing, oh writing: I cannot seem to muster any mustard. I might have move it to the coffee shop to force myself through to writing.

The most pressing project: finish the essay with Dana on The Secret. She's given me some incredible notes on the DVD; I need to do my part. Today if I can eek out a paragraph I will not feel so guilty.

Meanwhile, after dithering over whether or not I should continue my now ten-year tradition of throwing a Walpurgisnacht/May Day party, I've gone ahead and decided to do it. I've not been to a party since Valentines . . . a party would be good. Dancing would be good. So: party at my place on May 3rd, nine-ish. If you can be here, you're more than welcome. Please dance and don't forget to tip the DJ . . . .