Current Music: The Angels of Light: Everything is Good Here/Please Come Home Tonight I'm in somewhat of a pensive mood, but I should survive, at least until midnight. It's been a very busy week, with a visiting interviewee at work and a host of things to get done at home, including retraining the kitty to use the box (she lapses every two months or so).
I'm having somewhat of a time getting a paper Shaun and I am working on through a key transitional spot. There are fifteen ways to "end the paper," but I am stuck figuring out which way is best. And not being able to figure that out infects the pages that come before it . . . paper sickness. I hate that. More trauma to be endured . . . and hopefully I'll endure it tomorrow and have it done.
Not much more to write about I'd wish to make "public," I suppose. I did get a Zizek edited collection in the mail that has me excited (a re-working of the cogito in the Lacanian argot). In addition to vocal ghosts, I want to write about the need to embrace a kind of dualism for our own sanity this summer (and what is a ghost but a tacit dualism, anyway? Say, Jacques . . . WTF is 'hauntology' but a binary?).
Self-terror; they broadcast images of what some soldiers were doing to Iraqi prisoners on the news this evening. It was chilling, as if Geneva has frozen over . . . .
Schizophrenic, I know. I will get me to bed.