Spammic Prose

Music: David Bowie: Space Oddity The contents of a random spam email I received from "John" titled "Shipping and Tracking Number." I've edited just a tad:

If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing (W. Edwards Demins). Carnivorous. I could go on and on, but I won't. We have many programs the children love. But I would give them ALL up to keep my BORING noun program. I thank THE PARENT daily for her insight. Aleck. We think in generalities, but we live in details (Alfred North Whitehead [1861-1947]). Boloman. THE PARENT arrived back on the scene. She gave me a tape by Dr. Laura Meyers from UCLA. I listened to that tape eight times. I listened over and over and heard the same thing again and again. Ms. Meyers said, "These kids may need to hear a word many times (perhaps 72 times) before they ever say a word. A computer can be patient and say it the same way every time." Now I understood. I was not patient enough. I did not allow the student to hear the words over and over. I was interrupting their learning by interjecting, when they were totally engrossed in what they were doing. I was asking questions they were not ready to answer. They were just learning language. They didn't have the answers yet. Austrasian. Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions from insufficient premises (Samuel Butler [1612-1688]) Bradydactylia I didn't dislike cooking at home. Celiomyomotomy. About the necessity of compromise. Bushwa. 5 Cabalistic.

Laura Meyers is credited with being one of the first inventors of the "talking word processor" for the Apple IIc. Anyhow, I'm very tempted to run some kabbalistic formulae on this puppy; I think I will write a book called The Spam Code, in which I use gematria and notquarion techniques revealing that SOMEONE WANTS MY MONEY!