recent conversations in cars

Music: A&E Channel's Obsessions "He's going to die. But I can't make him do it, I can't get him to do anything. He just sits in that chair and watches television. His life is television. Josh, he's not going to be around much longer if he keeps goin' like this."

"He's depressed, and until you address his depression, he's not going to be motivated to do anything."

"But he's already on Paxil!"

"Well, it's obvious it's not working. He has all the textbook, I mean, he has all the classic symptoms: self-isolating; lack of interest in things he is usually interested in---"

"He doesn't bathe, I can't get him to wash his hair."

"It cycles on itself. I mean, I've dated depression---a lot. I know it when I smell it. He's depressed. Clinically."

"Well, what do I do?"

"Call his doctor yourself, tell him about your concerns, describe the symptoms. I know we can't get him to therapy, but we can at least get some of the chemical causes under control."


[tap tap tap; I roll down car window]

"Scuze me, but you just scared the hay-yell out of my mother in law. She was walking the dog and---"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare anyone, I'm just working."

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just working, I'm answering email. I'm staying with my folks for the weekend, and they don't have Internet access."

"So you're using mine?"

"I don't know sir. Someone has a very strong signal here, and they didn't password protect it. I can even pick it up in my folks house, just very weakly."

"Who are your parents?"

[I told him their names; he didn't know them]

"Alrigh', then. I just wanted to know what the hay-yell were doin' out here."

"Please apologize to your mother-in-law for me."


[waving to car pulling out just as I lifted my car hood]

"Wait wait! [more waving; she stops; she rolls down her window two inches] I'm sorry to trouble you ma'am, are you in a hurry?"

"I no speak English."

[pointing to my lifted car hood, jumper cables dangling from it; I make the "electrocuting car" gesture]

"I don't have cables."

"No, I have cables [I point to the cables dangling from my car hood]"

"Sorry, I can't help you." [she drives off]