nca submissions: help is on the way!
Music: Roy Orbison: Mystery Girl (1989)
In a month's time all paper and panel submissions for my professional organization, the National Communication Association, are due. Many readers of this blog are members of this organization, and so I thought I would offer a little help. Are you scrambling to come up with a panel? Need a paper to submit? Well, I have the answer: why not submit a pre-packaged panel to your favorite NCA division?
For a meager ten bucks, you too can have a complete panel mailed to you! All you have to do is change out the names and, presto: instant panel! That's right, it's exactly as you feared: the good folks involved with our five-years-in-the-making "Repetition Panel" have decided to franchise the enterprise. For five years we have been submitting and performaing the same panal---same papers, same responses, same planned gestures, same wardrobes---for various divisions at NCA. For the next NCA, we thought the concept of repetition might be interesting to explore with entirely different people: same papers, same responses, same planned gestures, perhaps the same wardrobe, but different panelists! Is it plagiarism? Or is it simply a play?
For $10 via paypal, here's what you get: (a) the rights to resubmit our panel with your own panelists for perpetuity; (b) a data-cdr with panel proposal, the complete text of all the papers, including gesture descriptions; (c) directions on how to submit and perform the panel; and (d) a separate DVD-R with videos of past panel performances, as well as two videos with audience member commentary. Here is a very low quality snippet:
Finally, in addition to the "Panel in a Box," commemorative five year anniversary t-shirts are still available, one size fits all. They feature our chair on the front at age 10, and on the back is a listing of NCA tour dates. These t-shirts are name your own price, however, at least send me three bucks for the postage: (.)