musical prophecy meme
Music: various . . . you'll see. As copied from Scrivener, by way of Kinesthesis Breakthrough . . . as I kill some time before the dinner guests arrive! I do typically find memes and quizzes annoying, BUT THIS ON IS ON MUSIC!
Go to your music player of choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud, and press play. Use the song title as the answer to the question. NO CHEATING.
How does the world see you? "My White Devil (Alternative Version)" by Echo & the Bunnymen.
Will I have a happy life? "Never Get Old" by David Bowie. [uh oh, I'm doomed 'cause I just did this week!]
What do my friends really think of me? "Michigan Girls" by Califone
Do people secretly lust after me?: "I Want Your Sex (Parts 1 & 2)" by George Michael
How can I make myself happy? "Spanish Rose" (Bye Bye Birdie Soundtrack), by Chita Rivera
What should I do with my life? "Ultraviolence" by the Electric Hellfire Club [oh dear]
Will I ever have children? "A Day (Remix)" by Clan of Xymox. [not sure what to make of this; the lyrics go, "now I'm feeling we are strangers when I looked into your eyes, just walk the talk . . . ."]
What is some good advice for me? "When He Returns" by Bob Dylan [guess I need me some Jebus]
How will I be remembered? "Desire" by Suicide Commando. [guess this means I never gave 'em what they wanted]
What is my signature dancing song? "The Phantom" by Renegade Soundwave [not bad!]
What do I think my current theme song is? "Ballet, Les Troyens & Danse de Phryne" by Paris Opera Orchestra (from the Opera Goes To Hell compilation).
What does everyone else think my current theme song is? "I Don't Remember His Name" by Thee Majesty (Genesis P-Orridge).
What song will play at my funeral? "Disobediance" by K.M.F.D.M.
What type of men/women do you like? Men: "Island In a Stream" by The Mission (UK) Women: "Someone New" by the Skeletal Family
What is my day going to be like? "Wail of Summer" by the Fields of the Nephilim
Okie, time to set the table and clean the guest bathroom. Tonight having some neighbors over for dinner (gumbo again! yum!).