Music: re-run of a Mad TV xmas spectacular.
After two hours of reading about the dueling visions of psychoanalytic object relations theory (the drive people versus the post-Freud Sullivan and Fairburn people), I arrived in Minnesota today and was greeted by 10 inches of fresh snow and a 16 degree slap on the face. Damn! 3.5 years of southern living has thinned my blood, because I found myself telling my host "I'm cold" at the bus stop. Nevertheless, had a good Vietnamese lunch, chilled at the Spy House, met a couple of Mirko's pals, and generally spent the day waiting for buses. Outside. Where it's cold and snowing.
I love it. I miss it.
While Mirko's taking a nap, I thought I would surf and answer email and what not; will be visiting friends tomorrow and Sunday, back to Austin 75 degrees on Monday. It's good to be back in Minneapolis, where I have many fond memories; it seems like it has gentrified so much in four years that it's much more expensive to live here. But they now have light rail from the airport, and the public transportation is still impressive, and I got to revisit the skyways today (some people wear way too much cologne). I'm tired, but tonight, it's gothadustrial dancing (or gawking) at the old haunt, Ground Zero.