this year's WCH auditorium dance party

"Officer Miller please."

"This is him."

"Hi, this is Josh Gunn returning your call about the false fire alarm yesterday."

"Hello Mr. Gunn; thanks for returning my call. Yeah, as you might imagine we have a lot of paper work to do."

"I'm sorry about that; we didn't mean for it to happen."

"Yes, well, someone said when those students were cheering, they were cheering because you were sneaking away."

"We were told to evacuate the building, so, like, we evacuated."

"[chuckle's] We'll, generally the cause of the problem is supposed to stick around. Because we could not find the [fog] machine we had to go through a complete investigation."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"Didn't you see the firetruck?"


"Are you in your office? I need to come speak with you"

"No sir, I'm at home today."

"Will you be on campus tomorrow?"


"Well, when you get in give me a call and I'll stop by your office. Once I talk to you in person we can wrap up the investigation."

"Sure, no problem."

UPDATE: Thursday mourning---two days after the event---Officer Miller appeared in my office. He smiled a lot, was charming, told me he was born in 1967, and that he liked the music I was playing (it was the Fixx). After taking my DL number and UT identification number, we shot the shit:

"I'm sorry, I didn't know we were supposed to stay. Maybe next year we'll do bubbles instead."

"Oh, no. You need the smoke. Here's what you do next time . . . . " Officer Miller described whom to contact to disable the fire alarm and offered suggestions to make next year's dance party better.