impending changes

Music: Judge Joe Brown Behold, a student's rendition of yours truly. Obviously this is the summer outfit, as I usually wear pants until it gets hot hot hot. I just saw a Today Show segment that suggests if I really want to score with the ladies (and some gentlemen) I need to cut my hair and save shave; nothing says "endearing but not-sexy" than (a) hairy boys; (b) boys that cry (cause, you know, they don't). Hawt.

There are changes afoot: my boy Julius, who is the computing guru around these parts (or around the Denver parts), is closing up shop on and moving things to a new server. Over the course of a few weeks materials for this website will be migrating to I hope to get some time to redesign my web page collection, however, I've become envious of the sites of my friends who can actually code beyond HTML 2, and I'm considering hiring someone to do mine. I'm taking bids now, hey. Michael: how do you do those neat, ever-changing banners for your blog?

Also, really bugs me 'cause I cannot access my own damn archives in anything but IE Explorer. If I use Firefox or Safari I get a white page of code. I've tried everything (new templates, old templates, re-same templates) and cannot figure out the trouble, so, I'm thinking about moving to typepad. Any suggestions on how to revamp the blog (and how to keep the archive) are welcome.