hell effin' yeah!
Music: The Farm: Hullabaloo (1994)
My boy Shaun just reported the most fantastic news this side of Christopher's announcement he's relocating to College Station: Shaun took a visiting post at the University of North Texas in Denton! Hell yeah, muthafukka! Two best friends only a coupla hours away? Oh, oh . . . my liver may not be able to take it! Let me just say I'm really freakin' happy about this news (and this means Shaun will also be in the running for a possible tenure track position there next year, too). Now, if the rest of you far flung best friends would apply for jobs in central Texas, I could really consider rooting here for good. Yay! for you Shaun! You RAWK!!!!!
PS: Any of you Austin peeps going to the Sonic Youth show at Stubb's tonight?