final FPA
Music: Archer Prewitt: Way of the Sun
At the behest of Shappy, Friday night the usual front porch suspects (sadly, minus David Terry) gathered at The Chimes for a few pints, food, and warm, Bush-style gazes at each other. We discussed Rove-gate, the relative merits of Romero's Land of the Dead, and, of course my imminent departure to Austin early tomorrow morning. Shappy conspired for a candle bearing cake to be brought to the table, whereupon FPA agents sang New Order's "Bizarre Love Triangle" to my abject embarrassment, which ended up producing applause from the entire south side of the restaurant. Later we retired to the front porch for my final action as a resident of Baton Rouge, where I gave away a bunch of stuff and had some drunken "I love you guys" moments.
Ben donated a bottle of Booker's "True Barrel Bourbon Whiskey" , which, after I gulped it down as if it were regular bourbon, I discovered it was 130 proof or something like that. Needless to say, I got a bit silly (as did most imbibing that stuff) for the rest of the evening.
At one point there was apparently a kissing fest as a result of this invention, "venom lip gloss", which is a tingly concoction that Wendy swears makes the wearer's lips bigger (I didn't think so, but it does taste good).
Here's a photo-gallery of the end of a three year corral of love. I look forward to coming back for more front porch action in the future, and the fond memories of Friday night should sustain me until I can find a surrogate porch in Austin.
The Rosewater Chronicles will be down for a few days or perhaps even a week until I get the new household running. Stay tuned for an account of moving adventures, my thoughts about Lance Armstrong running for the governor of Texas, and the return of the The Smurfs to the big screen!