expertise, yet again, one more time

Music: Slowdive: Souvlaki (1994)

I just got off the phone with a radio DJ from somewhere on the west coast who wanted me to do a 3:00 a.m. bit; he had “fifty-thou watts, man, we’re heard in 38 states and you can plug your book.” I said I’d be happy to get up that early if I was paid to do so. “Sorry man, we’re a Clear Channel station and don’t shell out.” He sounded just like a radio guy on the phone; I thought that excited “voice” was only used for on-air?

Yesterday I submitted about a 20 page affidavit to the Assistant Attorney General on the practice of Wicca and the history of the religion (this is compensated, although I’ve run out of billable hours for the state; anything I do from them from this point on is pro-bono).

This morning I taped an episode of The Dad Show with Kenneth, a radio show primarily but one that also broadcasts on local cable access (so I washed my hair). The program will stream tonight at 6:00 p.m. and after that you’ll find it in the archive. The show is an excellent use of public air to address community concerns (my basic message: don’t worry Dads, your kids will be alright on Halloween, and if your teen starts wearing black clothes, don’t freak out).

After I returned from the taping, I did two telephone interviews with reporters (one on Halloween, the other, on urban legends). I have two more requests for interviews in my inbox.

I’m about to hear the fabulous Chuckmeister deliver a talk on Lincoln’s queerness. Getting hard evidence for Lincoln’s sexual proclivities will be a welcome diversion from my Pez-dispenser routine as an “expert.” This is a busy time of year, when you add in all the letter writing and attempting to prepare for a conference coming up in a couple of weeks.

Maybe I should start wearing more pink.