even more american home shield blues

Music: Cocteau Twins: Blue Bell Knoll (1988)

Picking up where I last left off, my ever-persistent attempts to have my air conditioner repaired continue in this triple-digit Austin heat. The short version of the story thus far: in June I discovered my upstairs air handler was leaking water into the ceiling, creating water damage. Dave's Heating and Air was called out by my home warranty company, who replaced the air handler with a new one---but the leaking continued. AHS subsequently called out two additional, different companies, both of whom concluded thusly: the air handler Dave's installed is 1.5 tons, while my compressor is 2 tons. Consequently, the air handler cannot really "handle" the strength of the compressor's chilling, and is thus generating condensation like the proverbial sex worker in church. AHS wants Dave's to address the problem, since they made the mistake. Dave's, however, doesn't want to do the job. AHS called their lawyers out, and Dave's reluctantly agreed to come back out.

Or, at least, that's what Dave's was telling AHS.

On last Wednesday (August 11th), my fearless AHS representative "Pam" phoned to tell me that Dave's agreed to come out and within the week. Of course, Dave's did not call on Wednesday to make an appointment.

On Thursday, however, I returned from a screening of Inception to discover a business card from Dave's on my patio, as well as a caller ID indication that they phoned about 6:30 p.m. in the evening.

1. August 13, 2010 (approx. 10 a.m.): On Friday I decided to call Dave's to inquire about their visit on Thursday evening, when I wasn't home. I got Kayla again, whom I confess I lost my temper with. I tried to suggest that if they are going to come to my home, they should make sure I'm here and give me due warning. Kayla tried to suggest that she had set up an appointment with me for Thursday---which, of course, was not true (I have, er, all these audio recordings to prove it). I'm not sure if her memory is choosy, or if there's an attempt at deception here. Either way, our conversation was interesting. It ended with a familiar statement: Kayla will get with Dave and get back with me. Here's the call.

2. August 13, 2010 (approx. 11:30 a.m.): I called AHS and left a message for Pam after I got off the phone with Kayla. Pam called on her own, however, to follow-up. I reported the phone call I had with Kalya that morning (notably, I misremembered some of the details; isn't memory choosy in one's favor?). Pam vowed to contact "contract relations" again and to put pressure on Dave's to make an appointment. Here's the call

3. August 14, 2010 (approx. 8:30 p.m.): Kayla phones to let me know Dave can come by on Monday the 16th to diagnose the problem. Here's the call

4. August 16, 2010 (approx. 3:45 p.m.): Kalya phones to say that Dave is running behind; we reschedule for Thursday morning. Here's the call

There is a great song for my experience. With a smile: