encomium for morena
Music: Travis: The Boy With No Name (2007)
What is becoming to a city are good people, to a body beauty, to a soul wisdom, to an action virtue, and the opposites of these are downright nasty-ugly. Women and men and speech and deed and city and stuff should get shout-outs if they're shout-out-worthy and totally dissed if they suck. That's why it's the duty of any dude worth his shit to get righteous for folks that need a little righteousness, and to talk shit about people who lie. Therefore, the right thing to do is to defend Morena from the imbeciles who do not understand she is one badass actor who needs more work. Morena, who has inspired countless sci-fi nerds to make out with Rosie Palmer. I mean, ok, her name ain't an omen or nothing like that, I'll give you that. But for my part, by introducing her picture and describing how she inspired me to lick the arm of my sofa, Morena Baccarin will be proven the most beautiful, righteous, and sexy actor that ever lived. No shit.
Actually, I just need a diversion from myself. I've been trying out a lot of new recipes (tonight: chicken noodle soup). And I've been watching Firefly DVDs this month, and I must admit the place in my fantasy world occupied by Naomi Watts is now rented by Morena Baccarin. I think it was King Kong that led to Naomi's eviction. And my learning about the existence of Morena. Wow, I think I'd saw off my own foot for dinner with her. But unfortunately, Morena hasn't been in many movies and such. Have y'all seen her in anything since Firefly? Does she have a private sex tape that has been leaked? Like Watts she can act; she's really good in Firefly. She defies the common assumption that beauty does not entail talent. Acting takes brains. A lot of folks, for example, think Brad Pitt is a dolt; he's not. He's a smart guy and does a good job. Every actor in Firefly is amazingly attractive, but they all act pretty damn well. I'm impressed. What a great show, too (too bad it was cancelled). But most importantly, Morena inspires feelings I've not felt since I was, oh, ten years old and discovered dad's magazine cache under the bathroom sink.