
Music: DJ Yeshu: For Reisha 3 My future colleague Rod Hart developed a computer program, Diction, that does content analysis (word counts) on speeches that are filtered through it. I've never used the program, but it sounds like fun (check out this sample of an analysis of one of Bush's speeches)

The poor man's Diction—that which I can afford—is the Internet "counter," an embedded ticker of sorts that can tell one much more than how many visitors visit a page on a given day (mine is in the lower right there). My counter provider, bravenet.com, can also tell you the referring page of a visitor. Many of my hits are direct or from the blogs of friends, however, almost half are from google searches. For the past week I tracked all the google searches that led a surfer to my blog. The results are somewhat predictable, but also curious: do these google searches track the content of my unconscious? Oh my, what Rod might make of these "key terms" and search prhases?

"mary jo mccabe upcoming seminars baton rouge"; "Freemason in twentieth century literature"; "JENNIFER WILBANKS NUDE"; i have forgiven jesus"; "masonic secrets occult"; "hauntology justice"; "anal punishment suppositories"; "runaway bride Wilbanks rape"; "Larpenteur cemetery ghost OR haunted"; Virgen de Guadalupe under the Kennedy expressway";"Sartre on Love," "where is address of black Christmas sorority"; "ronell avital; alien abduction stories probe"; "sartre love"; "Humanist mourning"; "sartre on love"; "albert pike, dark arts"; Alan Smithee's dune; "Zizek and Operation Desert Storm"; "dark arts mystic satanic books writing"; "you know there's nothing more than this"; How to do things with words -co –com"; free porn occult orgy rite magic"; "Hamlet,humanism"; secrecy themed essays"; "David Sylvian homosexual"; "huffing scotchguard" ;"rape fiction anal daddy punishment"; "dukaka japan"; "amanda reed"; "symbolism mason"; "passion of the christ"
There is much to comment on here, but because I am moderately astonished (the anal daddy rape business is unnerving) I think I'll go to bed and read Robertson Davies, skimming for nice words to imbed for better traffic.