Beat It! That is, the Musician

Music: The Red Stick Ramblers: Bring It Down Pretty good day for what it's worth, even though the heat index is 108 and the humidity howevers just below that about eight points (as a blogging friend wrote, it feels like your lungs are getting punched when walking outside). Finished a writing project; successful library hunt; got a thumbs-up from the doctor about cholesterol levels; the press likes my pitch for the book cover and we can get the copyright to "The Fool" tarot card easily; bachelor party to look forward to this evening.

Yesterday went to the new dentist; he confirmed my fear that the last dentist was too interested in making money ($1200 of dental work--and that's after the insuranced kicked in); said my teeth were just fine. I went to dinner last night with Mindy and had a blast talking about random stuff.

Now for the beatings: Nickelback is pegged with rocks, and walks off stage. Danzing gets punched in the face. "Am I Demon?" Apparently not.