ass rockets, or, getting ready for an academic conference
Music: The Flaming Lips: Transmissions from the Satellite Heart
Well, hell: there's a conference next week and I've only got two of four promised papers completed. You'll note, too, that my bloggishness is proportional to my procrastination with "real" writing (that is, writing that counts toward tenure or loving). Anyhoot, left on my docket is a "performance" titled "Supercolon (:) Kandoo!" in which I an supposed to be an organologist diagnosing the "health" of the discipline from its product: (bull)shit. Also need to respond to a few pretty decent papers. Anyhoo, all this production reminded me of a video shappy sent, wherein a kid is supposed to shoot a bottle rocket out of his ass (requires wmp), but something goes horribly wrong (note: not work safe!). And on the same video-tip, Trish sent along a preview of a video of last years "repetition panel." For this years repetition panel (on in which we present the same papers that we presented last year and the year before, with the same inane gestures and water drinking), titled, "Healthy Discipline: Moving Back, Looking Forward, and Reaching Around: Repetition, Yet Again: Two Years Later," this video will be projected behind us (requires quicktime), sans the music (thought you have to love the shitty sound of "give it away!"). This is turning out to be a pretty shitty conference, but, as everyone knows, I think shit and fart jokes are funny (and look for TPQ next January for my manifesto on academic shit, "ShitText!").