anticipation of departure

Music: Fad Gadget: Best of Fad Gadget (2001)

I'm sitting at Mirko and Tim's kitchen table and thought I might like to travelogue a bit more before I depart early tomorrow morning. I've had a great visit, however, my naked putty Psappho has had an emergency back at home that has me worried. While visiting with Mirko's mother on Friday Brooke called to report she was at the vet with Psappho, whose forearm had re-swelled up from some sort of infection or injury we first dealt with last Sunday. Last Sunday we took her to the emergency vet, got some meds, drained her grossness and then on Monday things seemed much better. When I left town on Wednesday she looked pretty normal. Brooke said on Friday her whole arm had swelled up. The vet operated this time to "flush out" her arm. Brooke sent a picture of Psappho with her clown collar on that looked ridiculous . . . jeez, I hope she's ok. I'm worried. I know my sweetie has it all under control---it's just hard to be so far away and not being able to do anything.

Despite worry, I'm visiting and trying to enjoy my the company of friends. Yesterday Mirko and I went to the Mall of America and had lunch at Hooters (for the wings, of course) and were treated to an Elvis impersonator contest, as well as throngs and throngs of mullet-headed young men from rural Minnesota, and lots of teenage girls. After a fun-filled day of non-shopping we went to Zornitsa and Ron's for a wonderful dinner. We were joined by Naida and Karlyn and Bob (my advisor, who wants me to call him Bob, but who I feel more comfortable calling "Doc" or "RL"). Delicious organic salmon was followed by waves of wine and lots of fun stories (and a little gossip about the "musical chairs" that is my field; you readers at UGA need to send me the real skinny of what's goin' on down yonder).

Over dinner we talked at some length about the decline of the regional conference. Although I loved the people at Southern, I never thought much of the conference itself (always seemed in a bad place); Central was much the same for me. I think regionals are important, and think encouraging grads to go is a great thing, but . . . they seem more insular and more expensive. One thing that really pissed me off about Central this year is that the "Awards Luncheon" was paid for by all, but you could only go if you checked the "Business Meeting Luncheon" box on your registration. Now, having not been to Central in five years, I did not know "business meeting = awards meeting," so I didn't know to check the box. RLS, however, got a lifetime achievement award and, though I paid for said luncheon, I didn't get to see him get it. You have to be "in the know," as they say, to know how to go. That irks me the wrong way (and sealed the deal: Central never again for me).

Anyhow, though I have not been impressed with the conference I'm having a lovely time in Minneapolis! Oh, I forgot to mention Mirko toured the Guthrie with me yesterday---a really groovy building. I cannot believe all the condos that have sprung up on every corner; Minneapolis is almost unrecognizable.

Today RL and I are getting some brunch and spending the day together. Tomorrow morning his daughter will take us to the airport; we should arrive in Austin early afternoon. We'll be dining at Barry's tomorrow evening.

Eh, I'm anxious to get home to see the beautiful ladies.